Rimouski uses artificial intelligence to modernize its urban plan

In 2023, the City of Rimouski began updating its urban plan, a key document for organizing the development of its territory over a 20-year period. However, existing mapping data was limited, often obsolete or imprecise. For example, the municipality had no precise data on the vegetation present on its territory, making it difficult to take heat islands into account in its plan.

To overcome these challenges, Rimouski chose to integrate advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), to rapidly acquire reliable data.

The contribution of artificial intelligence to cartography

The use of AI in cartography offers a number of advantages:

  • Speed: AI reduces the time between aerial survey and delivery of usable cartographic products to just a few months.
  • Simplicity: The data supplied by XEOS is ready to use, delivered in shapefile format, compatible with geographic information systems, and requires no additional processing.
  • Accuracy: The Lidar used offers exceptional accuracy, down to a few centimetres.

Three key deliverables for Rimouski

As part of this project, XEOS delivered four cutting-edge cartographic products to the municipality:

  1. Building footprint: Exact location of main and secondary buildings.
  2. Detailed topography: Reliable data on relief and soils.
  3. Vegetation mapping: Precise identification of the number of trees, their height, and vegetated surfaces in urban and rural areas.
  4. Ground permeability: Indication of areas where the ground is permeable to water.

Thanks to this high-precision data, Rimouski is able to finalize its urban development plan on schedule, while addressing environmental and urban issues.

An inspiring example of technological innovation at the service of citizens!

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