Aerial Photography

The XEOS aerial photography allows for the vision at a 43° angle from the vertical. For each vertical photos, 4 oblique photos are taken: forward, backward, to the left, to the right. The image resolution is 5.5 cm closest to the aircraft.

XEOS Imaging’s program aims to update the oblique images of medium and major Canadian cities every two years.

Key Features

  • Photo type: 43° oblique
  • File format: TIFF RGBi compressed JPEG95
  • Photo resolution: 5.5 cm
  • Forward overlap: 80%
  • Lateral overlap: 65%
  • Image orientation paramaters: provided in Summit Evolution format (.smtxml)
  • Mapping projection: Modified Transverse Mercator (MTM), NAD83 CSRS
  • Vertical datum: CGVD28 HT2.0

Download a demo dataset