XEOS Imaging, Platinum Partner of Rendez-vous Géomatique 2024 in Trois-Rivières

XEOS Imaging is delighted to announce that we will be the main partner for the third edition of Rendez-vous Géomatique 2024, which will be held in Trois-Rivières from October 28th to 30th. 

XEOS Imaging is recognized as an expert in artificial intelligence mapping, aerial photography and LiDAR surveys. Our commitment as a partner of the Rendez-vous Géomatique 2024 event stems from our constant desire to foster innovation and stimulate growth in the geospatial industry.

Join us to discover new technologies, including artificial intelligence, that will enable you to increase your organization’s productivity and produce high-quality geospatial information more easily. 

Come and meet exhibitors, experts and members of the geomatics community.

For full event details, visit the official website.

We look forward to seeing you!

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